Purple Prose + Review

S -- Sweet People

Today's letter in the A to Z challenge at www.a-to-zchallenge.com is...

S is for Sweet, Sweet people.
Sometimes, people do things and it makes you smile (I guess smile could have been our S word-- actually lots of words could have been.)
I want to say a BIG Thank You to the people who participated in the first Faith-Fiction Friday. It actually did better than I thought it would-- especially for the first week. It will be a weekly event here at OTMA so I hope you come back and participate again. I LOVE reading short stories, and like I said, there aren't many places on the web for short Christian fiction. Please head over to that post and click on the people who linked up. Each have a wonderful blog and would appreciate the visits.
Yesterday was also a big day for one of our FFF participants. She had a lot of firsts-- First blog party, First writing contest (though it not really a contest-- the ideas the same), and the first time she copied a button code. You can read all about her exciting day at Catching Foxes.
I also want to thank the Sweet, Sweet People who have encouraged me and this blog (along with my other blog) over this past year. I would name you all, but I'm afraid I'd miss someone and I don't want too.
And lastly, the Sweet, Sweet People who take the time to make blog hops every week to spread God's word. There are a lot more, but 3 I participate in are Laura's at Beholding Glory, Shanda at A Pause on a Path, and Tracy at My Daily Walk in His Grace. Those are just a few of the great blog hops around the web: OH yeah there's Courtney at www.womenlivingwell.org as well.
Today's post is a little scattered, but I wanted to take time to thank the sweet, sweet people who I've 'met' while blogging. To all of the followers and commenters-- THANK YOU!
For all you readers, thanks for taking the time to read. I know your time is precious (and short if you are like me). You didn't have to read, but you do. That means a lot.
For all of the people who send me emails about adding your blog to the Encourage 365 Blog Directory -- you are so sweet. Your emails make me smile :)
Jenifer at Sweet Blessings for giving me something to add to my bio when I sent my queries to agents. (My first magazine writing credits.)
And to my big sister, Kathy, who reads (pretty much) everything I write. And sends me 'Oh wow' texts when I tell her about some "big" (to me) news. BIG SMOOCH!
There are so many sweet, sweet people in the world. Who are the ones in your life? Is there anyone you want to thank for being sweet? Take time to do that today. :)
Have a great Saturday :) Remember, Faith-Fiction Friday is still open if you'd like to add your story.
Much Love,

blogging, contest, fiction, hope, love, love story, and more:

S -- Sweet People + Review