Purple Prose + TIME


OH THIS is going to be good lol...


Anyone here a gossip?????

Oh noooooooooooooooooo...

Not us...



Ok, I admit (I admit things a lot) I love listening to gossip. And it's not just normal gossip, it's celebrity gossip magazines. It's msn.com. It's the yahoo gossip section. Heck, its even Facebook, Twitter...

Gossip is EVERYWHERE. Checkout lines at Wal-mart (did you know that Leo and Blake Lively are dating??? I KNOW!), on T.V. (Inside Edition is all about the Gossip), even the news. They don't call it gossip per sa, but I'm sure some respectible news media reported about Arnold's new love child (and if you know what that means, you are as guilty as me lol).

I was flipping though the Bible tonight and came across this... Proverbs 11:13: A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a convidence.

Proverbs 25:23: As surely as a north wind brings rain, so a gossiping tongue can cause anger.

(Side note: The next verse says, "It's better to live alone in the corner of an attic, than with a quarrelsome wife in a lovely home." The Real Housewives of Jerusalem popped into my mind lol... but I digress ;) Basically, if you are going to clean... at least be happy about it! I wasn't happy about it for years.. I finally got my happy on lol)

Back on track now... sorry...

The point is... we have to watch our tongue. When it goes flapping, I... er... we get in trouble. And watch our ears... if someone is talking, don't take every opportunity to listen in. Gossip is the easiest thing to fall into because it feels (to us) like the most innocent. "I'm not hurting anybody." Yeah, because none of us have ever been on the receiving end of gossip about us... doesn't feel very good does it?

Ah, those 'life lessons'... sometimes they are killjoys lol.. Necessary none-the-less...

Much Love,


*I wanted to thank all of you who voted for this blog at circle of moms (button to the right). I really appreciate it. I want this blog to be inspirational, fun, and helpful. I hope you feel it is :)

*ALSO, don't forget about our Third Summer Quest :) It's due Friday. I'm really looking forward to talking about it. It was seriously like those American Picker guys when they go through other people's stuff. Who knew I'd find.. well, you'll just have to read Friday to find out (dun duh dun).

Seriously, though, thanks so much for taking the time to read. If you like what you see, please favorite it or push the follow button to the right. And happy cleaning!!!!

book, favorite, FUN, HAPPY, hope, Inspiration, love, and more:

Gossip... + TIME