I love to capture on “film” those rare moments. For example, my hubby’s silly side is something most people don’t see. Yet, it’s the part of him that I fell in love with. So naturally, I couldn’t resist taking this photo of him when he posed on the rock.
In your story, maybe your female protagonist meets a guy and, at first, sees the same witty arrogance that everyone else sees. Emotionally, the guy has walled himself off so others can’t hurt him. But as the story moves forward, he discovers something special in her, as a result of the conflicts they face together. In turn, he opens up, revealing the sweet, loving side that no one else has witnessed. And in doing so, he captures the hearts of the readers.
Of course, this can work both ways, and the secondary character doesn't have to be a potential love interest. You can also do this with the protagonist discovering some not-so-wonderful traits about a secondary character .
Have your protagonists ever unearthed a special (or not-so-special) side of a secondary character that no one else has witnessed (or vice versa)? If so, has the secondary character been someone other than a love interest?