Purple Prose + Novel

5 Minute Friday- Change

5 Minutes. 1 word prompt. No editing... let the madness begin.


Change is something I've never liked... but seems to happen whether I go willingly or kicking and screaming. It's just the way of the world. It makes me nervous: change. I'm not a fan of the unknown, and I like to have things planned out (you know... because I *think* I can control things... sigh).

I've changed a lot since I've become a mama. One of the most obvious ones (to me anyway) is that I don't smile as much. Didn't see that coming, did you? Most people think of Mamas/Motherhood as a grand occasion that makes you grin like a cat from ear to ear on a regular basis... and I do smile... occasionally.

I love my girls... LOVE them. But, anyone with kids (who isn't lying) will tell you that they are a lot of work, a lot of worry, and give a lot of gray hairs. I don't like being the 'bad guy' but I have to be at times with my kids. That old adage, "It hurts me more than you," is SOOOO true (even when I'm just talking sternly to them and their little faces drop. Silly Mama here flashes back to when I held that little pregnancy test with them for the first time and I get all weepy so I feel bad... feeling bad doesn't make me smile ;) )

That's actually one *change* I'd like to fix about myself. I want to smile more. It's not that I'm not happy (double negative... I know, sorry). It's that, I guess, I want to act like I have some sort of control (do you see Donald Trump smiling a lot?). I will smile more if it kills me ;)

How have you changed since you had kids? Do you think the changes are mostly good or not so good? How would you like to change?

Linking up with: The Gypsy Mama

HAPPY, Inspiration, love, and more:

5 Minute Friday- Change + Novel