You never know when that great picture is going to hit, so make sure you’re prepared.
Always have spare batteries with you for your camera. I use rechargeables, but I find they are magically drained just when I’m about to use them. I always keep a set of regular batteries in my camera backpack just in case. Nothing worse than being in the middle of nowhere, about to take that awesome shoot, and the batteries are dead. And remember, cold weather drains the power a lot fast than warmer weather.
If you use film, make sure you have plenty on hand. This is especially true considering how difficult it’s becoming to find film when you need it. Oh, and make sure you have a fresh roll in the camera. It sucks big time if you have to waste time loading it because you forgot to take out the last roll, which you had already finished.
For those of you who use digital cameras, make sure you have an extra memory card, stick, or whatever with you. This is especially important in case your memory device goes kaput. It does happen. I also don’t recommend getting the largest memory capacity you can find. If something goes wrong with it, you might lose all your photos. If you save your pictures on several different cards, you won’t lose all of them if one card should fail. And I highly recommend you download your photos (and back them up, too) as soon as possible, for the same reasons.
Stay tune next week for the return of the portrait series.