Purple Prose + social networking

Oops! I Can’t Believe That Happened

Last week disaster befell me. No, I’m not referring to the #Bloggerfail in which my follower widget vanished. (But that did suck big time!).

No, I’m referring to the disaster of all disasters that can strike a writer doing a school presentation on Power Point.

I think my two tips on preventing/surviving an epic disaster say it all:

1. Email the presentation to yourself. That way, if the teacher can’t download it onto their laptop from your flashstick, they can hopefully download it onto the computer from your email.

2. Practice your presentation before you go, that way, if the above happens, you can wing your presentation until the teacher figures out how to access your email (because the school server is being a pain in the you-know-where).

So there you go. Two tips that will save your butt when you do a class presentation. :)

Any other suggestions?

hope, School presentation, and more:

Oops! I Can’t Believe That Happened + social networking