In order to be a fiction writer, you need to not only study books on the craft of writing, you need to read stories (yay!). A LOT of stories (double yay!). Stories both inside and outside your genre.
Now, I don’t know about your loved ones, but my husband is totally clueless about what YA novels I want to read (plus many don’t come out until 2012). But fortunately some genius invented GIFT CARDS.
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . .
Gift cards, so I can go on a novel-buying spree (yippee!),
Six books for page-turning plots,
Workshops to make me smarter,
One sexy dance outfit,
Membership to a writing organization,
Three books for kickass characterizations,
Tons of yummy chocolate,
AquaNotes, so I can brainstorm in the shower,
And Margie Lawson’s awesome lecture notes.
Wow, I can’t believe there are only three more days left of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas for Writers’.
Have a great weekend everyone!