On Monday, I talked about weaving symbolism into your story. No matter how small the detail, symbolism can enrich your writing.
In the post, I mentioned the book Symbols, Images, and Codes: The Secret Language of Meaning in Film, TV, Games, and Visual Media by Pamela Jaye Smith. I recently discovered this book and love it. If you’re looking for a deep book on the meaning of symbolism in our culture (or anything along this line), this book isn’t it. If you’re looking for a reference book to help you pull more symbolism into your story, this is what you’re looking for. Or at least it’s a good starting point.
Pamela divides the book into twenty-three categories. These include:
Astronomy and Astrology
Composition (i.e. the concept photographers, cinematographers, artists consider, and you will too after reading this section)
The book begins with a brief introduction on how symbols, images, and codes work. Each chapter (category) is then broken down according to:
- What the symbol means. For example, air means freedom, spirit, superhuman power, and understanding.
- How it’s been used in history, myth, and contemporary times.
- Examples found in movies, along with explanations as to how it worked in the movie.
- How to use it in your story. There are all kinds of cool ideas listed. Some are more appropriate for certain stories verses others.
- Written descriptions. Words that are great for creating powerful prose and imagery.
- Cinematic techniques. Not relevant to most of us, but this section is really cool too.
No matter what genre you write, this book is a great resource.
If you want to know more about writing symbolism in fiction, I have a very special guest post coming up in a few weeks. This author KNOWS about symbolism.
(How’s that for suspense?)