Purple Prose:
Me... from A to Z
P.E. Awards... LAST DAY TO VOTE!
The Doubt Monster Strikes
Spinster's Folly by Marsha Ward
WiL Bible Study: Week 8: Why Do We Show Love?
Blog Tour Has Come to an End :(
Q -- Query
The Enchanted by Elaine Cantrell
5 Minute Friday: Risk
The twins are home! (or I finally get to hold my books!)
~Happy Dance~
Win a Kindle Fire at the 2013 Astraea Press Fan Fest!
"Brag on God" Friday
"Dear 16 year old me"
Sign up for my newsletter... get a sneak peek at CROSSING THE DIVIDE coming in August
5 Minute Friday~ Path
What motivates you?
Along the Way Home-- Christi Corbett
"Like Mama used to say... "
At What Cost-- J. Andersen-- Now 99 Cents!