Cool Contest!
Okay, so one day I’ll have a contest of my own. Maybe if I land an agent. *sighs dreamily* But in the meantime, I’m going to enter the cool contests held by my blogging friends.If you haven’t already, check this one out by Suzette Saxon and Bethany Wiggins (the fab sisters of the blog, Shooting Stars). Prizes include a critique on…
Purple Prose [01/08/10]
- Review: Being Jamie Baker by Kelly Oram
- Review: The Duck Song by Bryant Oden
- Review: Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan
- Review: This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
- Review: John Lennon: All I Want is the Truth by Elizabeth Partridge
- Delta Force
- Muppet News Flash!
- Watching Hour Round-Up! Billie Jean! Incredible Shrinking Woman!
- Waiting for Superman
- SXSW Preview