Purple Prose:
P.E. Awards... LAST DAY TO VOTE!
Spinster's Folly by Marsha Ward
The Black Hair Fiasco Day 3
Along the Way Home-- Christi Corbett
At What Cost-- J. Andersen-- Now 99 Cents!
Random Wonderings of a Writer (plus NYT Bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken and an awesome giveaway)
If the 'Grace Awards' were the Oscars...
Monday Kicks off the SAINT SLOAN blog tour :)
One Day Blog Blitz!-- SAINT SLOAN Release
CROSSING THE DEEP was nominated for a GRACE AWARD!!!
A Look at Unconditional-- with author Tanya Eavenson
IWSG-- What If It Isn't As Good? (And Please Vote for Me)
New Years Resolutions.. and some pretty big Dreams
Blessed with a Blogger Award :)
Thankful Tuesday :)
Bringing Scenes to Life: Guest Post
Hookers and Hangers Bloghop
The Twelve Days of Christmas for Writers: Day Four
Emotional Conflict
Tip # 82: A World of Possibilities