Happy 2013!!!! Last year went so fast, I have a feeling I'll be writing my 'end of the year' post next week ;)
I've been reading a lot of blog posts about resolutions, and I thought I'd do the same. Maybe 'resolutions' isn't the right word, but my goals for the year.
I'm following Brenda Rodgers from Triple Braided and divided my goals up into 5 parts:
- Keep up with the 365 daily reading and post on my Encourage 365 blog
- Spend at least 15 minutes a day actually studying the Bible
- Have a prayer request notebook to keep beside computer to write down any prayer requests I see throughout the day
- Pray over prayer requests more than once a day
- Pray before writing/editing/promoting. Ask God if I'm going the right direction He has for me.
- Pray for my husband daily
- Watch one movie a week with him (that's a big thing for me because I have a hard time sitting for two hours without writing)
- Pray with him before bed
- Keep the clothes and dishes washed every night (at least one load washed and put up every day), make the bed, deep clean the bathrooms 2x a week, get back on the 'cleaning train' I was on 2 years ago...
- Listen closely to them before I say an automatic 'no'
- Take more pictures as they grow
- Understand that a 'mess' isn't the end of the world even if I am tired
- Nightly prayer requests from them
- Some sort of nightly devotional
- Read at least 10 books this year
- Lose hopefully between 20-50 pounds
- Not be so hard on myself
- Take a deep breath when I feel myself getting upset
- Finish BIG is Beautiful by February
- Work on blog tour for Saint Sloan (coming out soon)
- Write 50,000 words for March deadline submission for Astraea Press
- Write and submit 4 short stories to various places
- Work out a marketing plan
- Work out a blogging schedule
- Work toward a goal I won't name on here but is a big one for me in the next 5 years