I'm so excited to announce that Monday will begin a one week blog tour for SAINT SLOAN put together by the AMAZING Megan from Reading Away the Days.
I'm so excited for this tour because these are blogs I've never visited before and can't wait to find new favorite places on the web. We will have reviews and book spotlights. I haven't read the reviews yet, so it promises to be an interesting week ;)
ALSO, I'm so excited and nervous because May the 10th, the winners of the Grace Awards will be announced!! (*squee*) Crossing the Deep is up against two amazing books and it truly is an honor just to be nominated... however... I've never got to say an acceptance speech so I'd love to win and type one out to put on the blog lol. (Who am I kidding? I'll probably write one anyway ;) )
AND Crossing the Deep is #13 in Teen Religion on Amazon today!!! I nearly fell over. It has never been so high in ranks! Head over and check out what the fuss is about.
Here is the blog tour schedule for next week! HUGE thanks to Megan for setting this up. If you have a YA book, I highly recommend her :)
Saint Sloan Blog Tour Schedule 6th May- Book Spotlight @ http://www.bethannmasarik.com/
7th May- Review @ http://www.sheiladeeth.blogspot.com/
8th May- Review @ http://www.authorstowatch.com/
9th May- Review & Excerpt @ http://www.fatedparanormals.blogspot.com/
10th May- Review @ http://www.mydevotionalthoughts.com/
11th May- Book Spotlight @ http://www.readingawaythedays.blogspot.com/
12th May- Review @ http://justinevandale.blogspot.co.uk/ Giveaway- Win a $25 Amazon Giftcard
Giveaway is open to everyone that can receive amazon giftcards
Giveaway Ends 31st May 2013
Giveaway will be put on all blog stops!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Megan McDade http://readingawaythedays.blogspot.com - YA review blog http://readingawaythedaysblogtours.blogspot.co.uk/ - FREE YA blog tours available
TWITTER: @Teamwolf1988