I found this sheet and absolutely love it!

It can be found here: http://www.executivehomemaker.com/
More specifically... here: http://printable.tipjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/406__all-about-my-mom.pdf
If you teach/have a school aged child/know a school aged child, this is something that will either humble you, make you laugh until you cry, or at least put a smile on your face. Some of the questions are: "If she had extra time, she likes to... " "My mom laughs when... " "My mom is _____ years old."
I've done this with several groups of kids and one thing that kinda made me be taken aback was the fact that some of them said that "Mama doesn't laugh." So that make me think of myself, of course. I know there are days when I don't laugh enough. There are times when I'm just grumpy and witchy (for lack of a better word ;) ). However, I don't want my kids to grow up and think that I never laughed. So my goal for the rest of the week is to make a conscious effort to laugh more with my kids, my school kids, and my husband (I'm sure that will freak them out lol). I want to be one of those 'happy' people... you know... the annoying kind ;)
Anyway, I may blog about my little experiment as I seem to like to do lol... but that's the thought for today... JUST SMILE MORE!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) (oh yeah, and do the mother sheet! Its fun and will fullfill your daily laugh/smile quota). Another idea is that crossed out 'Mom' and replaced it with 'Nana' and had the girls do one for their grandmother for mother's day lol. That was fun (poor Nana ;) )
Much love,