Purple Prose + TIME


The last day of the year. I suppose I should take this time to reflect on the year...

1. I got my "dream" job. I love it... most of the time. I am very thankful for it.

2. I had my second child in January. She is truly a blessing to me. I had alot of problems with her when I was pregnant. She almost came numerous times. But now she is great. Almost a year old and a wonderful girl!

3. My oldest girl is just growing beautifully. She tells me every morning she loves me (I should probably record that for when she gets to be a teenager and says she hates me all the time.)

4. My Dh is a wonderful husband. He is great, most of the time anyway. I love him alot.

5. This year has gone by so quickly. I guess with 2 kids it does. I wish things would slow down some and just be able to take it all in.

6. My health hasn't been the greatest this year. I keep passing out and the doctor doesn't know why. I'd like to figure out why next year.

7. I lost 52 pounds! I am very happy about that. I have 20 more to go before I think I'll be happy. But for the first time EVER I feel pretty and sexy and quite frankly hot :)

8. All in all, it's been a great year. I hope next year is as good... without have another baby though. No more any time soon. We would like to have a son someday, but that is years away if ever. I need some "me" time without sharing my body with someone else.

9. I am thankful for the internet. Strange as it may seem. I have message board buddies and friends on here that I wouldn't have ever met in real life so I am thankful to have them. It is also a place where I can get my thoughts and feelings out without having to "hide" who I really am and in the process maybe find out who I really am.

10. I should probably round this off at 10... I am happy that the movie Stardust was made so I had something to watch... I am happy whoever invented Noggin did so my kids have something to watch, and I am happy that my MIL made chocolate covered cherries because they have been a wonderful treat since I've been off.

Have a safe and happy New Year's Eve and a great and blessed New Year!

dream, FUN, HAPPY, hope, love, movie, and more: