Purple Prose:
Mysterious Ways... (Brag on God Friday)
When we think we are in control... but we're not
The twins are home! (or I finally get to hold my books!)
Along the Way Home-- Christi Corbett
Your Homemaking Binder~ Magazine clippings
The Super Spies and the Pied Piper-- by Lisa Orchard
Someday You'll Laugh by Brenda Maxfield
Random Wonderings of a Writer (plus NYT Bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken and an awesome giveaway)
I wish...
How I Find Time to Write by Zanna Mackenzie (author of How Do You Spell Love?)
How I Find Time to Write by Wendy Knight (author of Feudlings)
One Day Blog Blitz!-- SAINT SLOAN Release
TODAY IS RELEASE DAY!!!! Saint Sloan... :) Cover Reveal
R-e-j-e-c-t-i-o-n-- How I Got Published by Sherry Gloag
THE LOVE PROGRAMME-- Zanna Mackenzie
How I Got Published by Liz Botts
Jennifer Comeaux, Gorgeous Covers, and a giveaway!!!