Purple Prose [Search results for dream]
Wanna TREAT this Halloween? (Halloween Party Giveaway!)
How I Find Time to Write by Wendy Knight (author of Feudlings)
How I Find Time to Write by Zanna Mackenzie (author of How Do You Spell Love?)
Gotta Love That Research
Along the Way Home-- Christi Corbett
The Emotional Structure of Tangled: Part Two
Wanted: Dream Agent
Jennifer Comeaux, Gorgeous Covers, and a giveaway!!!
Sweet Saturday Samples :)
5 Minute Friday-- Beyond
THE LOVE PROGRAMME-- Zanna Mackenzie
The Emotional Structure of Tangled: Part One
It's Raining Awards!
A Spy Like Me???
Random Wonderings of a Writer (plus NYT Bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken and an awesome giveaway)
Crushing On Your Character
Gone at Fifteen
Origins Blogfest: Where My Writing Dreams Began
Crossing the Deep named a Best Find of 2012!