Purple Prose + love

Origins Blogfest: Where My Writing Dreams Began

I'm participating in the Origins Blogfest. The idea is to share how my writing dreams began.


As a child, I was a reluctant reader. But at nine years old, I discovered an author who not only hooked me into reading, her popular children’s series (in Britain) sparked my interested in becoming a writer. The author was Enid Blyton and the series—which later became a popular TV series in England—was The Famous Five. The page-turning stories were filled with mystery and adventure. My parents wouldn’t have been able to get me to stop reading them even if they’d tried.

One of my friends and I decided to co-author a book, even though we knew nothing about plotting or characterization. We only managed the first couple of chapters before giving up, but deep down, I never gave up my dream—it just lay dormant for many years until the moment was right.

Was there a book or author who inspired you to become a writer? Or, when you were a child was there a book that you loved more than any other?

adventure, blog, blogfest, book, dream, and more:

Origins Blogfest: Where My Writing Dreams Began + love