Purple Prose + Novel

Crossing the Deep named a Best Find of 2012!

Lookie at this... ----------------------------------------->

Crossing the Deep was named one of the top 10 best finds of 2012 at Christian Fiction for Your Kindle!!

I'm beyond excited :)

I just past the 40,000 mark on 'BIG is Beautiful" tonight! Can't wait to get it out to you guys!

The edits for Saint Sloan are going great! I saw a mock up of the cover, and you guys, it's gorgeous. I can't wait to see the finished product. It comes out Feb. 28th (as if the huge ticker at the top didn't tell you that ;) )

Thanks so much for the support you have given me in this writing adventure/nutty dream. You don't know how much I appreciate it! I want my books to matter, to change a life, to affect people, to have the reader think about God, and to do all of that with an entertaining story. I hope I'm pulling that off for you guys :)

Here's to a wonderful 2013!

adventure, best, book, dream, fiction, hope, Inspiration, and more:

Crossing the Deep named a Best Find of 2012! + Novel