You still have time to enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card to celebrate the release of my new book, SAINT SLOAN. CLICK here to enter!
First of all... I chose this dress--- >

You know... from my 'What if the Grace Awards were like the Oscars' post? CLICK HERE for a Refresher...
Well, they were announced a little late, but CROSSING THE DEEP WON!!!!

Here's the link if you don't believe me... I know, it's hard to believe...
So... *IF* this was like the Academy Awards, I'd get to make a speech right about now. Since this *is* my Oscars, here we go...
" I want to thank, first and foremost, God because He put me on this wild ride. To Charlotte Kaufman for filling me in on what 'Nanowrimo' was. To the July '10 Mamas for all the encouragement! You kept me going. To the Feb. '07 Mamas for being so supportive. To Stephanie Taylor and Astraea Press. Thanks for taking a chance on me. To my family for putting up with my writing and the time it takes. I know it's not easy on you. To my sister Karen and my Mama for loving Crossing the Deep and being so excited for me. To my daddy... I wish he could have been here to see it. To K. Victoria Chase for being such a good friend to me all through this. To Megan Wille for pushing me. To Jan Christiansen for giving me priceless advice (both in writing and in life). To Wendy Knight for being such an awesome, pick me up when I'm feeling down, friend.
And to my sister, Kathy, who has read every draft of Crossing the Deep and was my biggest supporter and encourager. If it wasn't for her saying I could do it, I never would have. Thank you all!" Cue the orchestra.
I have other things on my mind besides winning the Grace Award (I still think it's pretty cool to say that... )
In no particular order, here are the top 3 things I'm wondering about right this second...
1. Contemporary 'Civil War' Zombies (See my facebook page for more information on what the heck that is about... )
2. If I really can get 2,000 Twitter followers (See my twitter account to help out... )
and... 3. How cool it is that I 'know' Rachel Van Dyken! Ok... I don't know her, know her. When I signed with Astraea Press, Rachel was one of the people who wrote 'welcome' on my 'official' first thread. I was star struck, let me tell you. I knew who she was and most of all, how successful she was as a writer. I was all like, "Rachel Van Dyken talked to me... " BUT, once you get to know her, you realize, that's her. She talks to everyone... and has never once acted like she was higher on the hog (Southern reference for ya... ) than the rest of us. Plus, she's an awesome writer! My mother loves her regencies, and I very much like her New Adult line. A few days ago, Rachel signed a big ole contract with a big publishing company-- livin' the dream as it were... and she's still just as sweet as ever. Here are a few of her books if you are one of the two or three people in the world who haven't bought a copy ;)

... just to name a few.
I'm so proud of Rachel and am very honored to be able to help her celebrate her success :)
SO... to celebrate Rachel's contract and CROSSING THE DEEP winning Best Young Adult Christian Novel at the Grace Awards, I've decided to do a giveaway.
Two (2) random people will be chosen from the comments of this blog. One (1) will receive one of Rachel's books (you choose) via Nook or Kindle... And one (1) will receive either of my books (Crossing the Deep or Saint Sloan) via Nook or Kindle... your choice
What should you comment? Doesn't matter. All comments are eligible to win, just please put your email address in your reply.
Ready? Let the games begin :)
Linked with: Rachel Got The Contract Blog Hop