Since this blog is called 'Oh that mom again' it wouldn't be right to not have a post about Mother's Day.
I'm going to admit that I had no idea May13th was Mother's Day until I went into Wal-mart and saw all of the flowers bundled together at the front of the store in a pink display. My first thought was, "We just had Valentine's Day." And then I saw the sign that Mother's day was May 13th-- (no, I didn't realize the flowers were for Mother's Day on my own... sad, ain't it?)
So, score one for Wal-mart, you helped this daughter out (how horrible would it have been to have forgotten to get my Mother a Mother's Day present? And on top of that, how awful would it have been if I had forgotten to have my kids at school make little Mother's Day cards? I would have felt bad.. and we can't have that)
I did get my mother something, and I have the cards my girls made for me on the fridge (and their little pictures from church on my mantle). I'm going to guess that's all I'll get-- as far as I know anyway.
But I didn't want to write about presents. I wanted to write about the days I found out I was going to be a mama.
November 12, 2004 (I can't believe it's been that long ago): The hubs and I decided to try for a baby-- well, I took a test and BAM there was a second line. He was at work and the first person I called was my mother. I said, "Hey Mama, Have you ever seen a positive pregnancy test?" (I'm the baby and was 23 at the time so they didn't have tests at the store in her day).
She was all excited so she came up to the house. I showed her the test and she smiled really big. She sat with me until about 10 pm because my husband was going to be home at 11. When I showed him the test, he was thrilled (scared) but thrilled. 9 months later on July 12, 2005, Little Miss Katie Rose was born after 27 (long) hours of labor.
June 3, 2006
Our anniversary is June 7th so the husband and I went out to celebrate it. My mother babysat my then 10 month old Katie. While shopping, I nearly passed out at Old Navy. Just to aggravate him, I said, "Hey, I think I'm pregnant." (I totally didn't think that-- I wasn't even late! And we'd only done it once au naturale the entire month).
So, to keep going with my prank on the husband, we stopped by the store on the way home and picked out a digital test.
I took it at 10:30 pm when I was 10 dpo.
I started SCREAMING for him to come in the bathroom!!!
That little word 'pregnant' popped up on that test I had JUST taken to AGGRIVATE my husband.
Well, we went to pick up 10 month old Katie from my mother's house and told her. She was ok with it, mostly (I mean, it was a baby so she couldn't be too upset over it).
I had a really rough pregnancy and was induced at 37 weeks and 3 days for high blood pressure. Chloe Anne was born on January 25, 2007 on a COLD day (the fountain outside the hospital had frozen). I was in labor for 14 hours and it was much easier.
November 7th, 2009
I really wanted baby #3, but the hubs wasn't completely sold. So, I cried (a lot) and he finally decided that we wouldn't try, but we wouldn't prevent.
Saturday, Nov. 7th (the day af was due) I felt 'funny'. At 6:30 am, I drove to Wal-mart and got a test (a line one). Came back and took it. Went walking into the bedroom (he was still in the bed) and said, "Well, you ready to be a Daddy again?"
He was happy, called everyone he knew again (I'm sure they were tired of hearing from us by that time lol)... and then he went hunting.
I had the hardest pregnancy with her and was finally induced on July 12th, 2010 (yeap, she has the same birthday as her oldest sister) at 39 weeks. Little Everlee Faye came screaming into the world and I tried to wipe the blood from her hair--- then I realized it wasn't all blood, she was redheaded (just like her big sister! Katie had prayed for her little sister to be redheaded and born on her birthday-- that kid is a prayer warrior!)
So, those are the days I found out I was going to be a mommy. They were all 3 special and I (kinda) miss that I won't get to relive that again. But that's ok. We will make new memories :)
I might get aggravated at times, but I love those girls more than anything. They light up my world and I'm very blessed to have them.
Much Love,