I wish...
That I could go back in time and be the kind of mother I am to baby #3 to all by kids.
I'm much more laid back... (the baby was covered from head to toe at supper tonight-- I never would have dreamed of letting my other 2 do that)..
Have a much more easy going personality...
Let her do more and get into more things...
Take extra time to play with her because 'she's my last baby'...
Where was all of this when my 6 year old was a baby-- or my 5 year old?
I wish I could go back and not fuss as much or be as much of a disciplinarian.
I wish I could have been with my oldest 2 like I am with the baby.
But I can't go back (sad as it is).
All I can do is go forward and try to let them see that Mama is trying.
Much Love,