Purple Prose:
P.E. Awards... LAST DAY TO VOTE!
The Doubt Monster Strikes
Spinster's Folly by Marsha Ward
WiL Bible Study: Week 8: Why Do We Show Love?
The Black Hair Fiasco Day 3
Long time, no see
The Bomb From Becoming
Cleaning is fun! (And I'm not lying)
Best Coupon savings yet :)
Mysterious Ways... (Brag on God Friday)
Quest #5: The Dreaded Baseboards
Why My Husband Rocks?
Along the Way Home-- Christi Corbett
"Like Mama used to say... "
At What Cost-- J. Andersen-- Now 99 Cents!
"... He's Still Working on Me."
Behavior Charts... And Why I've been Converted
One More Day to Enter :)
Beyond a Doubt-- The End is here for The Renaissance Hearts Series (Felicia Rogers)
Random Wonderings of a Writer (plus NYT Bestselling author Rachel Van Dyken and an awesome giveaway)