Purple Prose:
love story
Spinster's Folly by Marsha Ward
What's up with you, Woman?
The Black Hair Fiasco Day 3
Blog Tour Has Come to an End :(
S -- Sweet People
The Day my 5 Year Old Thought She Broke Jesus
Love Struck @ FFF
The Enchanted by Elaine Cantrell
Mysterious Ways... (Brag on God Friday)
~Happy Dance~
Why My Husband Rocks?
It's Just Wednesday... PLUS Giveaway information and the first Faith Filled Fiction story posted!
Along the Way Home-- Christi Corbett
GIVEAWAY AT Encourage 365!
Writers and Mamas: The Little Red Hen Syndrome
Calling all Writers (and all who love to tell a story)
I Very Much Dislike Feeling Stupid...
Faith Fiction Friday
Behavior Charts... And Why I've been Converted