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****Two things before you read this post: Do you know the story of the Little Red Hen... and do you know who Benedict Cumberbatch (BBCs Sherlock) is... Read on... ;)
**** Do you know the story of the 'Little Red Hen'? It is an old fable. I tried to find the original writer but couldn't (if you have any idea, leave a comment.)
The basic story (and I'll have a very special reading of it at the end of this post... by a very famous... um... villain/detective *hint* ) is that this little red hen is going to make some bread. She has to plant the wheat, gather the wheat, turn it into flour, and bake it.
Along the way, she asks her friends for help. The rat, the cat, and the dog all say no...
When the Little Red Hen asks if they want to eat it. They all jump up and go in for supper. And do you know what she tells them? NO! Because they haven't done any of the work.
So... how does this relate to being a Mama and a Writer? When I first started writing, the husband wasn't very happy about it. To him, it was a hobby-- like his fishing-- and it was taking a lot of time... which it was. A LOT of time (now it takes longer bc of social media lol)
He was happy when I got my first book contract. He was proud when the book came out.
When I started writing the second book... wow. He wasn't thrilled. He thought this was a one hit thing, I suppose. He thought one book a year would be great. I had to explain for any writer now days to get their name out, you have to write 3-4 books a year-- which is daunting with 3 small kids and a full time job.
Finally, when people started actually buying the book and people started talking to him about it, he got very excited! He loved my writing and has made every effort since then to 'give me time' to write.
It took a year of unhappiness (on that front), but now he's one of my most vocal supporters.
He wasn't there for the planting, harvesting, or cooking-- but he's there for the final product. Unlike the Little Red Hen, I'm just happy he's on board now :)
If you are trying to write and there is someone not exactly with you, I understand. But it will pass. My husband is very excited about my self-publishing my 3rd book! I NEVER thought he would be. People surprise you! Okay... great. That hits writing, but what about being a Mama? For months, I took my oldest 2 girls to tumbling practice. Toward the latter, my sister came with me. The husband took them a few times, but mainly, it was me. I definitely paid the tuition (though my mother did pay for the recital).
The point is, I was there 95% of the time. I did most of the leg work when it came to getting them to and from tumbling.
On the day of the recital, everyone was there. My 2 year old started acting like a sleepy, cranky 2 year old and I had to take her out. Guess who didn't get to sit in her seat and 'eat the bread' of watching her girls' recital?
We, as Mamas, get the not so pleasant jobs at times. We get the cleaning up the messes, the arguing, the crying when we brush their hair-- but the others get the 'reward' (the bread at the end of the story)
Should we get bitter about it? Well, no... doesn't mean we don't sometimes though. It's human.
What about you? Do you have some Little Red Hen moments in your life? Did they (like my husband) turn around and become one of your biggest supporters? And JUST IN CASE you don't know the story of the Little Red Hen-- and just if you are having a bad day-- here is Benedict Cumberbatch (star of BBCs Sherlock and Star Trek: Into Darkness) reading... The Little Red Hen (Proceed to fangirl now if you must ;) ) (from youtube)