So, this summer quest thing was started to give myself (and hopefully you all) some motivation to get to cleaning. Sort of a motified "Spring Cleaning" only in the summer.
So far, we have completed the Shoes and the Toys (click on the Summer Quests page above if you are new and want to do these with me... I really want to be inspiring to people.. plus I SO need the motivation.)
This week, we are cleaning out out kitchen cabinets. I had completed part of this before (there is a blog post here). But I have an island that I haven't touched in years...
This is where this "Quest" turned personal... and touching... and tearful... and American Pickers-ish (ie... finding treasure in places you wouldn't expect).
I found lots of things that I had even forgotten I had. I won't get into it all because I will have my normal post on Friday (and I'm not finished yet), but I wanted to give you a preview with this...

See that adorable baby?
Yeap, that's me!
It's my Mama holding me when I wasn't even a day old yet. I had forgotten I had that picture (even though it's one of my favorites). That lead to tears when behind it I found a picture of the first time my Daddy held me (he died 8 years ago). He looked so proud. I looked awe-struck (of course it could be because he had a green surgical mask on... ). I miss my Daddy...
There were lots of cool things of mine (and my girls) that I found while cleaning out my cabinets and I can't WAIT to show you on Friday.
Who knew cleaning would be such an emotional thing?
Much Love,