Happy June! It's been a pretty exciting May for me. Ruth (the free version) hit 100 downloads in less than 2 weeks! And I launched the paperback version (because some people like that better). I've been sending the fiction book (Crossing the Deep) off to agents and publishers. I know that even if I don't get a book deal with it, I've learned SO Much that will be helpful in the future :)
Also in May, my sister, Kathy, found out that she's getting to preach at a church starting in July, and is on her way to becoming a full time preacher (Happy Dance :) )
As for June, well, Monday we are starting the Ruth Bible Study at church (squee!). I have to say, I'm kinda nervous. I'm more nervous about reading and finding the inevitable typo and not being able to change it.
Also, June 7th, is our 9th anniversary! We were watching TV last night and I bolted up, saying, "Do you realize we've known each other 10 years?!" It seems like a long time-- but it doesn't, know what I mean?
Anyway, enough about me, it's time for Faith Fiction Friday. Why is it up so late? Well, I forgot to do it yesterday. With school out (and TV shows on hiatus), I kinda get my days mixed up.
I think we have the basics of it, but just in case, here's a review:
1. I post a picture. 2. You get inspired and write a 100 word story (either fiction, non-fiction, or devotional) about the story. 3. Post your story in the comments section below. Leave your name and word count in the post. 4. Then add your blog (if you have one) to the linky under the picture. Do you have to have a blog to write a story? Nope. This just gives your blog some added traffic-- if you want. 5. Check back and read other's stories. I love reading them. It's amazing how this many people can see one picture and write different things (except for with the rainbow when we all wrote sad stories lol).
6. Link back to oh that mom again somewhere on your blog. QUESTIONS? Here we go...

Free images from FreeDigitalPhotos.net
I thought since we mostly wrote about sad things with the rainbow, wonder what we'd write about with a stormy picture... hmmmmm...
Can't wait to read your stories!!