Ok, so this isn't a "Produce Review" per sa. It's more of a Tip from a Mom who wishes she had gotten a clue 3 kids ago!
I'll admit to having a bit of a diaper bag love. I love looking at them. Before my first daughter was born, I remember going and looking at the selections at various stores. Did I want the geometric "trendy" bag or was I going to go more with the kiddy theme of Winnie The Pooh?
Through 3 kids, I've had 4 diaper bags so far.. which isn't horrible, but I probably could have saved money and kept the same one through all of my kids (but my first one which was oh so cute... wish I had a picture... was cloth and sadly didn't survive dear daughter #1's year of Acid Reflux... )
I found some bags from different places that I thought I'd post. These are super cute. Bags that we are used to seeing... The "traditional" side carry style...
From http://www.jcpenney.com/...
Then if you didn't want to look like you were actually carrying a diaper bag, but a purse, then you have this option...
From http://www.sears.com/
However, something happened this weekend which totally threw me and my diaper bags for a loop. We went on our first vacation and heck if we didn't the baby with us. She is 10 months old... cute as can be (if I do say so myself lol) and in need of lots and LOTS of things for a 2 day trip. I knew we were going to be doing a lot of walking and didn't have it in me to carry her bunky bag...
THIS is her diaper bag...

I love it... well I used to love it. Its from Wal-mart. Easy to wash because, sadly, Dear Daughter #3 is a big of a spitter-upper too. BUT man, I didn't want to lug this thing everywhere for a 2 day trip!!!
What to do?
Well, yeah, I finally got smart...
Flashback: I remember when I had my first daughter, the hospital gave me a "diaper bag" with formula, coupons, etc in it... and it was a *drum roll please* a backpack style! Now, it was too little and I never used it (it is in fact sitting in my bedroom right now), but the idea of it popped in my head while I was getting ready for our vacation.
NOW, I realize that most of you are way ahead of me in the thinking department and have probably already had this epiphany. I, however, am sharing this with those who might have not.
I didn't buy a "diaper bag" for the trip. I bought an actual backpack. One with 2 mesh pockets on the side where you can keep drinks... or... bottles!
A few examples from http://www.kmart.com/ are below...
Mine was $9.99 I believe from Wal-mart, but you can go as high or as low as you want. They even have some really really REALLY cute ones at http://www.diaperbags.com/ but they can be high. They have all different styles from shoulder carry to back carry to messenger carry... I'd show a picture, but they won't let me copy...
So, I have to say that the backpack style "diaper bag" was the most useful bag ever. It was easy to carry, not near as bulky, everything was in a more orderly fashion... I'm sure I got looks, but I don't care... I'm a mother, I'm used to it.
I did take ole faithful diaper bag (aka the pink side carry) with us, but used it as a suitcase. I think it has been replaced with the backpack. I TOTALLY wish I had known about this when my first daughter was a baby. My life would have been (at least a little) better. :)
So, that is your Mommy Tip... backpack style diaper bags!!!
Don't forget... Quest #2 The Big Toy Purge is due by Friday!!! I'm going to have to get on this one because we have been on vacation all week AND we just had the bright idea to paint our bathroom which includes taking down old wallpaper... BUT I will get the toys decluttered and show my progress on Friday! Please join me... I need some encouragement. Also, if you have an idea for a Quest for us to do, please leave a comment. I have the summer mapped out, but it is totally flexible.
Much love and Happy Cleaning!