Today's letter in the A to Z Challenge is...
M is for Mama.
Or Mother
Or Mommy
Or Good Day (as my 21 month old calls me... )
It's kind of fitting that this letter came up this weekend. If you've read or seen any kind of news, you know how Mommy Wars have been ignited over a comment by a Dem. lady (I don't know who she was lol--)
I wrote a post on Mommy Wars a few months ago.
And I wrote a little blurb on the facebook page a few days ago letting my thoughts be known...
Basically, these are my thoughts on Mothers:
*There is no 'better' mother-- SAHM and Working Moms (both outside and inside the home) do the best they can (in most instances) with the hand they are dealt.
*Other Mom's choices aren't YOURS to make. Passionate about Breastfeeding? That's wonderful :) It truly is. What's not wonderful is beating other moms over the head with it or making them feel bad for not making your choice. (And it's not just with breastfeeding, its everything from homeschooling to public schooling-- from cloth to diapers-- And it's for ALL sides-- myself included)
*Working Moms DO raise their kids! This misconception honestly hurts me and I've cried on several occasions over hearing it/reading it. I teach preschool-- I do NOT raise those kids. Their parents are the ones I call when they are sick or hurt or if I have a question. Their parents are the ones who sign the forms, pick them up, get their bags packed, give them lunch money, miss them when they are gone-- I instruct and keep them safe the best I can-- but I'm not raising them. And I have never thought that I did.
*Why do we always have to be right? Your choices are your choices. My choices are my choices. Sally down the street's choices are hers. What need do we have to fight about it?
*All moms deserve a hug. Because we all need it sometimes.
*Mommy Guilt is a HORRIBLE thing. I know some SAHMs feel guilty about not helping income wise-- or when they get snippy because they haven't had a break. Working Moms feel guilt for things like: working, missing field trips, missing work when your child is sick OR not being there for your child when they are sick.
Those are just a few of my thoughts on being a Mommy. I sincerely wish and hope that all moms just encourage each other. We are all trying to figure out motherhood together-- it ain't easy, and it has lots of tears, frustrations, questions, doubts. Lets not add 'a war' on top of it.
Much Much Much love!