SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... You want to know if this little experiment is worth it, don't you? Yeah, I can see you... sitting there at your computer, drinking your coffee, and wondering, "Self, is this binder/notebook/cleaning fiasco working for ole Kelly?" Well, friends, I don't have an answer for you...
Lets see what some of the family says:
Oldest DD (5 years old): "Mama, I don't like going to Walmart with you any more. Your notebook makes things too slow!" (Ok, so backstory. Our couponing shopping trips which I love and she used too take about an hour to complete. It's hard on a 5 year old. I get that... btw, she has dubbed my binder "Mama's Notebook", and she doesn't say it with a smile on her face).
Middle DD (4 years old): "Mama! It's ME! It's ME!" (Backstory, I'm rearranging my living room and am putting lots of their pictures up that I just 'hadn't gotten around to' to make it more homey. She LOVES to see which picture is coming out next so she is a fan of the notebook. She thinks it's exciting.)
Baby DD (9 months old): She doesn't say much of anything about it lol. She does love the similac, pampers, and huggies coupons, though ;)
The Husband: Well, I'm not really sure what he thinks. He hasn't said a whole lot about it.
Me: There are times when I love it and times when I want to throw it out the window lol. I have to give 'Mama's Notebook' credit... it works! I've done more in the past week than I ever thought I could do with 3 kids, a full time job, and a husband. I'm pretty proud of my living room and my dining room/kitchen and I LOVE that I finally started putting more of the kids' pictures on the wall... however, I'm kinda tired lol (imagine that... did the picture give it away?). Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it. I really do like being more organized... I'm even doing more organization in my classroom (I know! Who is this person???)
I will say that the 2 pounds I've lost this week were an added bonus :) :)
'Lifestyle changes' are hard ;)
Much, much, MUCH Love <3