Today's letter in the A to Z challenge is...
L is for Listening.
I like to talk.
A lot.
I like to get my opinions out.
And since they are *my* opinions-- they are always right.
I will answer my kids' questions before they get finished asking them (because I know what they are going to ask).
When I pray to God, I tell *Him* what I want answered and how I want it answered-- specifically and with great detail.
I'm a talker--- who REALLY needs to be more of a listener.
When you take time to listen, you realize that your daughter isn't just asking for a piece of candy for the 15th time-- she is actually learning negotiating skills (she has learned if she can get down to 1 I usually give in.. sneaky girl).
You realize that God has much more important things in store than what you tell Him you want-- If you just take time to listen.
Everyone likes to be heard. Everyone-- from the greatest to the smallest-- they want to be heard. They want to feel like they matter and that there ideas/thoughts are important. How can we give that to someone if we don't listen to them.
And not 'Uh-huh' 'Yeah' while we do things we want to do-- but actually stop what we are doing, focus on the speaker, and listen.
What a novel concept!
Much Love,
Linked with: Faith Filled Friday and A to Z Challenge