I've posted a lot in the last year: some about writing, books, myself, my kids, things on my mind.
Tomorrow, I plan on doing my new years resolutions, but today, I'm looking back at my four most popular posts of 2012. (why not 5? Because number 5 was from 2011 lol)
1. Calico Daniels-- The Thanks We Eat I am always amazed when I see some of these things bein’ talked about as fine dining. Cows tongue, Rooster combs or chicken feet, ox tail soup…gizzards. I ‘bout fell over one day at the market when I spotted the price on tongue. WHEW! Where I come from you just tell your processor when you take your cow in that you want the tongue and you get it. I never realized it carried such a price tag in the store.
Now, Pawpaw loved fried chicken feet. Meemaw has told me more than once about fryin’ up a big batch and Pawpaw sittin’ at the table just munchin’ away almost as fast as she could cook ‘em. Not much on them but gristle but he sure liked them. *CLICK THE LINK TO READ MORE*
2. Thanksgiving Blog Hop-- Now Obviously closed Twenty or so other authors got together to bring you a Thanksgiving Blog Hop for our readers, who we are very very thankful for. Here are a list of the participating blogs. Please visit them in the new year because I know they have awesome things for you in store, Rachel Van Dyken J.F. Jenkins Meg Mims Samantha Combs
Brenda Maxfield Joselyn Vaughn PW Creighton Ruth J. Hartman
Lisa Orchard E.A. West Sherry Gloag Nell Dixon Wendy Jo
Lindsay Downs Lisa Greer Patricia Kiyono Elaine Cantrell
Liz Botts
3. "One Word" for 2013 Lots of bloggers have been writing about their/your 'word' for the year. Basically, your word is kinda like your mission statement for the year. Last year, my word was 'LOVE'.
Looking back, I can see how 'LOVE' fit into the year. I wrote 3 'romance'/Inspirational/Christian books (one is out, 2 more are coming out next year from Astraea Press... YIPPEE!!!!). And yesterday while looking at my husband while we were going Christmas shopping, I do believe I 'LOVE' him more than I did 9 1/2 years ago when I married him (and I thought it was a lot back then lol).
To have a 'WORD', you need to get rid of a negative word. To be honest, I don't remember what my negative word was last year (see how well I threw it away), but I know what my throw away word is this year... CAN'T. *CLICK TO READ THE ENTIRE POST*
4. My Fan Fiction Days (This got a great response. I get people can relate ;) ) Okay, this is a tad bit embarrassing. I'm not sure why, but it is. For a long time, I wrote fan fiction. I LOVED fan fiction (okay, I still do). What did I write fan fiction over? Well... Twilight (I know!), The Mentalist (seriously!), and The O.C.
And where did I put these gems?
At www.fanfiction.net.
(I can't believe I'm telling you all this... )
I met a great friend there, though, Kathi-Ann who still writes awesome fan fic! I'm not embarrassed of fan fic... just some of the stories *I* wrote ;) Head-hopping... OH the head-hopping. *CLICK TO READ MORE*
MY Favorite Post of 2012... I Signed A Book Contract!!! I am proud to announce that yesterday I signed a contract for my first book 'Crossing the Deep' (the one I started in November '11) to be published by Astraea Press! *CLICK TO READ MORE*
There you have it :) My top posts of 2012! I want to thank each of you for a wonderful year. It has been amazing, and I'm looking forward to what 2013 waiting for all of us:)