This Friday, I'm linking up with Gypsy Mama for 5 Minute Friday. It's simple. She posts a topic, and you write for 5 minutes (with no edits... eek).
Today's topic is: Path
I've been thinking a lot this week on the paths of our lives and how we end up on the right one. In Proverbs, it says God will move our feet to the right path (paraphrasing of course, since it would take the entire 5 minutes to find it... )
But what if (it's been one of those What If weeks) we have no idea what path God wants us on. What if we *think* we know, but then we just don't.
I've known people who have had one path, then a tragic event happens and their lives are thrown on a totally different trajectory. But maybe that was the plan all along. Maybe they (and I) have to go through times of doubts to get us in a place we need to be.
To tell you the truth, my path to becoming a Special Education teacher wasn't a very conventional one, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
And I'm sure it will be that way with other paths. If it's supposed to be, it will be. :)
I'm sitting here looking at the 'Footprints in the sand' bookmark that I gave the winners of the Bible in 90 Days. There are 2 sets of footprints in the sand: 2 paths. Then suddenly there is one path, because Jesus took over and carried 'me'. That's how I feel. Jesus and I are walking along the beach, but soon, there will only be one set of footprints because he will carry me where I need to go.
He will you too, friend. I've read a lot of posts this week on not giving up (must be a theme, or it's just me seeing it... ). If you don't know your path, you will find it. If you need help, Jesus will carry you.
I promise I will post 'happy' stuff next week :) It's been a learning week for me (and that's ok.)
Have a great weekend!
Much Love,