'Twas the day before Christmas And all through the house, I huffed and I puffed. I had become a big grouch.
The stockings were up. The tree glittered on I cleaned and I cleaned From dusk until dawn.
"This Christmas," I thought "Will be perfect this year. I'll do everything right I'll somehow find cheer.
My kids played around me. I couldn't keep straight, how many times I'd picked up the same toys. I became irate.
"Kids!" I shouted, anger within "How many times have I told you, it must be perfect this year!" "So, s top getting things out! The house needs to be spotless for us to have cheer!"
My kids shrugged and went off in their rooms. What they were doing? I didn't care, Just as long as they didn't come out soon.
With them gone, I cleaned... Oh, I got it all spotless. It was beautiful. It was perfect. I was awash in bliss!
My kids came out to eat the Christmas ham. Everything went well And I was as happy as a clam!
I had made Christmas perfect, with my sparkling home I'd given the perfect presents an iPad and iPhone.
After the kids went to bed, we did too And I smiled, thinking how I'd pulled through.
Santa had come before we'd gone to bed. Everything was perfect. I'd done exactly everything I'd read.
That night as I dreamed I saw Jesus next to my tree. He looked sad and said, "Why did you forget about me?"
"I didn't, Lord," I pleaded and shouted. "Don't you see this tree. And the presents we've opened?"
"They were all for you, Jesus, And I know you were served. It was the perfect Christmas, That only you deserved!"
Then Jesus smiled sadly, And looked down to the floor. I was shocked and asked, "Are you OK, Lord?"
"How did Christmas come to this?" said my Lord with a shout. "When did 'perfect' mean leaving me out?"
"Did you tell your family while eating your ham. Did you tell them anything about the Great I am?"
And I thought and I thought. surely I had. I had done everything right: the way I'd been taught.
"Tomorrow is my birthday," Jesus said with so much power. "I'd love to be remembered with more than a Nativity Scene shoved in a corner."
"Don't forget why you have presents and cake. "Don't forget it's Me- The reason for all- The reason you even need a Christmas tree."
"I love you, sweet lady. But now I must leave Remember what I said, Enjoy your family and let be what will be."
I awoke with a start. What had it meant? I fell out of bed and on my knees I bent.
"God, I'm sorry. So sorry," I cried "Please forgive me. I remember now its about the One who was born to die."
"The presents are fine. The candy is harmless. But without you, Jesus, It's all meaningless"
The next morning, I woke my kids up with a smile and a grin. I sung Carols and laughed. I felt like a girl again!
And do you know what happened that day? I had fun, actual fun Even if things didn't go my way.
My son broke his toy. My daughter spilled her food. I didn't yell or fuss I didn't sound rude!
I enjoyed myself and on that Christmas morn. I forgot about being perfect. And remembered the One who was born.
~by Kelly
Linked with: Brag on God Friday