SAINT SLOAN COMES OUT TOMORROW!!!!! (EEEEPPPP!) I'm so excited... so nervous (SO nervous!)... very thrilled about it! I hope you are as excited about it and love it as much as I do.
Tomorrow, I'll post my publishing story and FINALLY the cover for Saint Sloan :) :) I'll give you just a little hint today---

Today, though, I have an amazing author on the blog, talking about how she got published. I find this story inspiring because sometimes I wonder how contests can go for authors-- and now I know :)
Here's J.F... Her new book, Decay, is out now!
How It Started:
I first got published by Astraea Press through a pitch contest they held before launch. I saw an advertisement for it on Twitter, got my submission in, and then a week or two later was given an acceptance letter. It was absolutely crazy, let me tell you. I know my story isn't long and complicated, but let me just say to encourage you all: if you see those contests, go for it! Because even if you get rejected, at least you tried. And I had been rejected before, let me tell you. But so long as you believe in yourself, chances are you can get another to believe in you too!
J.F's Amazon Author Page:
Here are J.F.'s amazing books: