Purple Prose + TIME

Make your bed

I'm not exactly sure which site I saw it on (I'm thinking clutterbug.me ), but one of the advice tips was to make your bed every morning. And I thought, "Yeah, right. Ok, THAT'S going to make me want to clean?"

And the answer is... YES!

Every morning when I wake up, I read my Bible, watch the news, and then make my bed... or at least I do now. I never was the most punctual bed maker. I'd make it whenever I washed the sheets and that would be that. However, since I've started making it ever morning, I've seen a world of difference...

If you make your bed (a chore that takes all of 2 minutes) then you start your day feeling a sense of accomplishment. Even if you do nothing productive the rest of the day, you did that and IF that's more than you used to do, then you've already beaten the game (congratulations!).

However, looking at that newly made bed, it seems out of place beside all of those clothes lying around on the floor (does your husband throw his clothes there when he goes to bed? Mine does... and I'm guilty too). So go ahead and pick those up. While you are at it, got towels in the bathrooms? Might as well pick those up too while you are at it.

While you have all of those clothes already in your hands heading toward the laundry room.. might as well wash a load. It will save you time later on. So that means, you have to fold the clothes that are in the dryer if there are any.

SO that one act of making your bed has ended up with at least four chores taken care of for the day/before work. Imagine coming home to not only a made bed, but a clutter free bedroom floor and bathrooms... Sigh... sweet relief.

Much love,


FUN, love, and more:

Make your bed + TIME