Today is day 90 in the Bible in 90 Day Challenge!!!!
Y is for Yeeeeeehaw! I honestly can't believe it's been 90 days already! Where did the time go?
We have several b90 graduates (they are listed at the top of the blog and more will be added).
If you haven't finished the challenge, don't give up! Keep reading and let me know when you do finish. You might get a b90 'honorable mention'.
I want to think EVERYONE who has participated, signed up, read (even if it was just one day), encouraged others (the facebook page rocks!), and helped me. If it weren't for YOU it would be just me here with a computer-- alone-- which wouldn't be fun to be honest.
I have something special for the b90 graduates. If you've graduated, please send me your address at ohthatmomagain (at) yahoo (dot) com so I can send your graduation present.
Thank you all so so much!
Don't forget to check in either here or on the facebook page. Even if you didn't finish. It's always nice to know how far people got...
I got to Ezra. I feel bad about it actually. I got into the book writing and ran out of time during the day... next time I run this I WILL finish again (I graduated last October). And I plan to continue on reading every day so I can finish again.
Much Love and thanks so much for making the last three months fun!