Today's letter in the A to Z challenge at is...
Z is for Zzzzzzz... Seriously, that's all I could come up with Z.
I thought about zebra, because at school that's what my little kids say start with Z.
And I thought about 'Zippity Do Da' because today is the end of the A to Z challenge for April and to celebrate I'm taking a few days off of OTMA blogging...
I thought about Zoinks-- because I like Scooby Doo.
I thought about Zane, Billy. The guy that played Cal on Titanic--
I thought about words like: ziggy or zany or zipper.
But in the end, I could only come up with one Z word that encompasses all of the A to Z challenge AND the Bible in 90 Days challenge coming to an end--- Zzzzzzzzzzzz
As in...
Kelly needs a nap :)
Much Love,

By the way, I have a new story added in the 'Published Stories' tab above. My story 'One Man's Mess' is "Today's Story" at I'd appreciate it if you headed over and left a comment. :)