Ok, I have to say that I had a little help with Quest #1: Organizing Your Shoes. The hubs got into the action and helped me with that part. The cleaning of the Laundry Room was mine though.
I don't have any before pictures because... well... it was just too bad to post. Honestly. There was a path between the back door and the kitchen through the laundry room that was passable.. everywhere else were mounds of shoes, clutter, clothes, boxes, coveralls, etc. It wasn't pretty.
So, Quest #1 started as a way to organize our shoes... this is what we came up with...

It's not the prettiest thing ever, but it works, and it's hidden behind the door (that door stays open most of the time, but I wanted to give you a shot of what it looked like). We got that shoe organizer at Wal-mart for I think $21.00. It's came in really handy. Wish I had one years ago.
So then I started cleaning the rest of the laundry room and this is what I came up with:


I'm pretty proud of it :) I had forgotten how big that room actually was. It's a vast improvement!
I feel that, for me, Quest #1 was a big success and I slayed the Shoe Clutter Dragon!!!! (HUZZAH!) I hope your own Quest #1 turned out as well.
NOW, on to Quest #2. Before next Friday, our goal is...
Cleaning/organizing all of the kids' toys
If my camera's batteries hadn't died, I would have shown you what my kids' corner of the living room looks like (lets just imagine UG! and go from there!). So our Quest for this week is to declutter, organize, sort, separate, donate, whatever you want... your kids' toys.
Ready... Set... Get to Organizing :)
Much Love, and Happy cleaning!