Ok, I SOOO wish I had of thought of that title a week ago lol TAMING THE TOYS. It has a certain ring to it...
Anyway, yet another week has come to a close and so has Quest #2. I know that at least one of you was busy this week finishing this cleaning quest. I hope more of you are on this (I will NOT say Journey ala The Bachelor... )... on this great, exciting adventure with me.
This week, we were supposed to tackle TOYS (dun dun dun).
My kids have toys in their rooms as well as in the living room. I'm going to tackle the bedroom later in the summer, so I only focused on the living room...
And it was a doozy...
Cover you eyes (but squint through your fingers... )

THAT is the front door to my home. THE FRONT DOOR! SO yeah, no one could come inside that way because all of the toys were scattered around that area. We purge toys now and again, but apparently it needed it again. (Also, I realize the date is wrong on that picture... it does that everytime I change batteries and I forget to change it back).
So, Thursday evening, I enlisted the services of my 2 daughters ages 4 and 5 (the 10 month old was playing in her Jumperoo... have I mentioned she loves it ;) ) I would pick up a toy and ask, "Keep, Trash, Yard Sale?" And they would answer... I actually *may* have kept a few toys that they didn't want, but was sentimental. to me (First baby doll anyone!?!)
Anyway, it took us about an hour and a half, but this is what we came up with...

I think it looks MUCH better. At least the door opens now lol. The jackolanterns are each filled with my 2 oldests' smaller toys.
So there it is.
Can't wait to see how the other quests go :)
Quest #2 COMPLETE! We whipped that Toy Dragon's Hinney!!! HUZZAH!
OK, take a deep breathe. Enjoy your success slaying the Terrible Toy Dragon... Savor the victory...
It's time for Quest #3.
This week, we are tackling Koraling Kitchen Klutter. Oh I can feel your excitement ;)
A few weeks ago, I posed about cleaning my cabinets etc. Well...
There are still some things that need to be completed in there. Some cabinets that need cleaning. A hutch that needs some help. SO, this is our Quest this week!
DON'T let that disorganized, clutter-hotel kitchen (And I'm SOO talking about myself) keep you back! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!
Now, go Slay that DRAGON!
Much Love,