For weeks now I’ve been planning to introduce you to the art of posing. But unfortunately I’m easily distracted. So here we go, the beginning of the series, ‘Posing 101: How to Make Your Friends Look Their Best’.
The most unflattering pose is the head-on one. You know, the one referred to as the mug shot. Okay, let’s just save that one for passport and driver’s license photos. There’s a reason most people don’t look good in them.
The best pose is where the shoulders are at an angle to the camera. It doesn’t have to be by a huge degree. Even a slight turn of the shoulder toward the camera is pleasing. The next step is to have your friend look in a slightly different direction to the line of the shoulders. For example, if your friend’s shoulders are turned to the right, then have her turn her head to the left. Even if your friend’s shoulders are square to the camera, this technique will help prevent the dreaded passport photo look.
Remember there are always exceptions to every rule. In a few weeks I’ll show how to effectively break the rule while still creating an awesome picture.
Stay tune for more posing tips next week.