There’s a multitude of ways you can pose your friend when using a seat as a prop. And don’t forget a seat can be anything from a sofa, chair, bench, rock, wall, and everything in between.
When you select a location, move around and check out all the possibilities the background holds. Maybe you’ll have to move closer. Maybe there’s a great framing device behind the seat (such as the tree branches in the above photo).
In terms of poses, make sure your friend’s comfortable. If she isn’t, it’ll show in the photos. Have her sit in a number of different ways, depending on the type of seat. The mood you’re trying to convey will also affect the pose. Think of ways to create interesting shots through the use of geometric lines, curves, and angles. This can be as simple as the placement of body parts, as seen in these two photos. Look at magazines for ideas.
And don’t forget to consider the role of lighting in the picture. Which direction is it coming from? How can you maximize its potential? Does it fall softly on one side of the face? Does it need to be softened with a diffuser (especially if it’s from a south facing window)? Check out tip # 11 for more suggestions.
As with anything in photography, experiment and you’ll be amazed at all the ideas you can come up with.