As promised, I’m continuing with my tips on making the most of your point & shoot camera. For this week’s tip, you'll need a camera that allows you to adjust the shutter speed. This is a feature of the SLR camera, but some point & shot cameras enable you to do the same thing, only not to the same degree.

For these cool night picture of the moving car (those are the car’s tail lights you see), I set the camera speed to 1.5 seconds. Fortunately, unlike my SLR camera, my point & shoot camera has image stabilization. Without this, I would have to either mount the camera on a tripod, or rest it on a sturdy surface, like a rock. I just aimed the camera and took the picture. The camera figured out what aperture (size of the lens opening ) to use. Simple, huh?

Experiment to figure out what length of time gives the effect you’re looking for. And don’t forget to take tons of shots, and from different locations to see what works best.
Next week’s tip (May 3rd) is postponed for Hug an Author Day. I’ll be reviewing a book I love, plus I’ll be giving away a copy to some lucky follower who leaves a comment on the review next week. Oh, by the way, I’m not the only blogger participating in this event. Hopefully, I can give you more details on this week’s Cool Links Friday.