Purple Prose + weekend

Ringing in the New Year

I can’t believe it’s now 2011. After reading Roni Loren’s blog this weekend, I realized I need to set some writing goals for this year. Heck, I even blogged about it last week on the Query Tracker blog, so I have no excuse.

And now you can hold me accountable to them. Right?

Writing Goals

  • Query my YA novel, Still.
  • Edit my new YA. I finished the first draft of Shot in the Dark before Christmas Day. Yay!
  • Query Shot in the Dark later this year. (Of course, if I land an agent with Still, I won’t have to worry about writing another query. Le sigh.)
  • Start planning and researching my sexy romantic suspense novel. I’ve already been working on some ideas.
  • Have first draft of SRS completed by the end of the year—if not sooner.
  • Write first draft of YA novel, End of Forever. (Yep, it’s already outlined and planned)
  • Continue to read non-fiction books on writing and challenge my writing.
  • Attend the LA SCBWI conference in August (anyone else thinking of going?).
  • Attend the monthly RWA meetings in my city.


I’m not setting any specific numbers. I read whatever mood I’m in.

  • YA (my list of books for this year is already long).
  • Romantic suspense
  • Erotic Romance. I’m pretty fussy about this one. I’m interested in erotic romantic suspense more than anything.
If anyone has suggestions for the last two subgenres, I’d love to hear them.

So, what are your writing and reading goals for this year? Are you going to be attending any conferences this year?

blog, book, fiction, goals, non-fiction, Novel, and more:

Ringing in the New Year + weekend