©Stina Lindenblatt
Since tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, I thought I would do something different in honor of the day. While I love stories with hot make out scenes, I also love those tender moments where it’s about the emotional connection between the two characters. So here’s an excerpt from the NA novel Thoughtless by S.C. Stephens.
I nodded and laid my head on his chest, fighting back the sudden guilt at the mention of Denny’s name, and at the simple affection that Kellan wanted from me. I carefully put a leg over his and an arm over his chest. He signed again and leaned his head against mine. His heartbeat was steady and strong. I felt like mine was all over the place.
“Is this okay with you?” he whispered into my hair.
I forced myself to relax. This simplicity was all he wanted, and I was enjoying his closeness. “Yeah . . . it’s nice. Are you okay?” I absentmindedly traced a circle on his chest.
He chuckled softly. “I’m fine, Kiera.” He gently rubbed my back, and my leg. He pulled me tighter in response and we simply held each other.
Do you write tender moments between your characters? Is this something that comes easy to you or do you struggle to get the words right?
Reminder: Next week is the free online conference for writers thinking of self publishing and those who already are. It promises to be great. Be sure to check it out.

(Note: Monday is a stat holiday where I live. So there will be no post that day. Have a great weekend!)