Summer is rapidly approaching. For some of you, your kids have already started their vacation. For the rest of us, our kids will be making our days brighter in three weeks (or less). This means we’re frantically squeezing in as much writing as possibly before our writing time takes a dramatic nose dive.
For my final weeks of quiet, I’m working on the first draft to the sequel of my NA novel. Plus there’s beta reading and critiquing (I’m booked up for the month of June!!!!)

And what does the summer hold for me?
I’ll be finishing my first draft and digging in for revisions while refereeing my kids and their bickering. Blogging will drop to once a week (Mondays) so that I have more writing time. And let’s not forget vacation plans with my family in August.
What are your summer time goals?
All photos ©Stina Lindenblatt