Hey, Kelly. Thanks for letting me stop by your blog. So excited to be here!
My recent Astraea Press release Knight of the Dead features a four-year old as one of the main characters; thus I thought I’d share some fun activities for families to enjoy together. First, let me tell you a little bit about the book.
Persephone Richards is in a pinch. With a wrecked car and bills stacking up, the income from her job at the daycare isn’t enough. Mark Lawrence needs a sitter for his little girl and Persephone is perfect for the job. What begins as an employment opportunity leads to romance. However, a secret Persephone hides threatens the happy ever after and puts the three of them in danger.
Mark’s daughter Rose loves spending time with Miss Purr-So-Funny. Here are five activities they like to do together:
1. Go to the park (Rose loves to swing high and to play on the banks of the creek)
2. Visit the zoo (Rose adores animals, especially giraffes)
3. Watch a movie (Sometimes Rose watches the same stories over and over again, acting out scenes)
4. Play with a dog (Beagles are Rose’s favorite—she loves how they bellow in harmonious fashion)
5. Read a good book (Chapter books featuring animals are always top on the list)
Just for fun, let me know your favorite way to spend time as a family.
Now, I’m going to share a passage featuring one of the above events. Persephone is a bit klutzy, and in an earlier scene she cut her finger helping Mark dice potatoes.
From Chapter Thirteen…
Rose grabbed Persephone’s hand, and they skipped to the
other room. Mark followed a minute later.
The three of them watched a cartoon version of a fairy tale.
Rose tapped Persephone on the knee during a scene where the
recently rescued damsel treats the knight’s wounds. “Is that what
Daddy did for you?”
Persephone nodded. “He did.”
Rose clapped when the girl and the hero kissed at the end.
“Miss Purr-So-Funny is like Jewel.” Rose yawned. “But you don’t
like a knight, do you? I want you to like my daddy.”
Persephone blushed. No question she liked Rose’s daddy. She
stood. “I need to go so we all can get some sleep.”
“Let me get my keys and our coats. Rosebud, I’ll carry you
so you don’t need shoes.” He collected the items, and they all made
their way to the car. Rose fell asleep as soon as they pulled out of
the driveway. The low beams cut through the misty rain that fell
across the tenth fairway.
“Thank you for a wonderful dinner and evening,”
Persephone said.
“We’ll do it again tomorrow.” They turned away from the
clubhouse and out onto the main road toward town.
“Let me bring take-out. That way you won’t have a kitchen
to clean. I feel bad about leaving you with the mess tonight.”
“No problem. I’ll clean in the morning.” He yawned. “Lack
of sleep is catching up with me.”
“Me too.” She yawned in response.
They listened to music for the next few miles before pulling
in Jason’s driveway. The drizzle disappeared.
“I’ll call you tomorrow.” He glanced behind her at the
sleeping child in the backseat. “Is your finger okay?” He took her
Persephone’s heart raced. She smiled as she remembered
what Rose said about the kissing.
“What’s so funny?”
“Rose. She wanted to know if you kissed my boo-boo.”
“I will if it will help.” He brought her finger to his lips.
Persephone caught her breath. “That helps.” She wanted to
feel those soft lips against hers.
“I’m glad,” he whispered and then leaned toward her.
Thanks again, Kelly, for having me visit. J
You can find Knight of the Dead anywhere e-books are sold, including the following locations:

Thank you so much for visiting my blog today, Jennifer!