I'm going to admit that I didn't get to see all of this movie.
I missed about the first thirty minutes (I would say I was doing something awesome or important... but I wasn't. I was taking a bath. My bad.)
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the first 30 minutes were as awesome as the last.
I don't think I've cried so much watching a movie since Titanic (Ok, so it's a bit of a different genre, but still. Tears are tears.)
I'm not going to give spoilers because I think everyone (and especially daddies) should watch it. But I am going to give my thoughts on it.
*It is a movie that really makes you think-- "Am I raising my kids in a godly way? Should I be doing more? etc."
*It was a funny movie (you know, between the tears). I'm so glad it had a lot of humor in it because it got so down at times. Loved the 'Snake King'!
*Every Daddy should watch it. Mamas too, but definitely the men.
*The ending was very action packed.
*I don't say this often (and it probably will make me seem really boring) but I loved the credits. The way they pictures were blued and the music; I think it made me cry all over again lol
*Joy Duggar did such a sweet job in her 'acting' debut. She was an extra at a funeral, but she did a great job!
Without giving too much away, I think that it was one of the best Christian movies I've ever watched. It really upped the game for Christian movies, and that's a really good thing.
Have you seen it? What were your thoughts?
Much Love, Kelly
Purple Prose + Review
Courageous-- The Movie