My blog is going to explode. All right, maybe not in the melodramatic way that it sounds (though it feels that way).
Come this September, I might no longer have this blog, or I’ll have to move it to ‘blogspot.’ It sucks because I have two big announcements to make this fall, one being a giveaway. And if you’re a self published YA or NA author (or planned to be one), you’re not going to want to miss it.
Trust me.
Because of all this drama, I’ve created a new blog, which will focus on the New Adult side of things. I had planned to start posting this fall on the topic (Wednesdays), but since this blog might no longer exist, I saw it as a sign that I need to start a new blog specifically for the category.
Meanwhile, I’ll continue to blog here as long as I can (before the Blogger Gods shoot me down or solve the problem).
If you’re interested in NA, please join me on my new blog.
Have you experienced any social media derailments lately? Do you have all your eggies in one form of social media, or are they scattered all over the place?