Purple Prose + TIME

Bible in 90 days~ Week 2

This week, I finished the first 10 days of "Bible in 90 Days". I'm 3 days ahead (yay), but am only doing that because I'm afraid that I will get behind when school starts back. I wanted to get myself some sort of cushion lol.

Anyway, this week I read from Genesis 1:1 to Numbers 8:14.

I marked in my Bible things I didn't understand, things I thought "hmmmmmm... ", and things that I want to study further at a later date (I'm all about the Bible Studying now).

Here are some things I learned...

1. Don't sell your birthright for a bowl of soup. It won't end well (Genesis 25)

2. Don't tell powerful people that your wife is your sister... even if it's true (Genesis 12:10-19)

3. Do make sure that the woman you are sleeping with is actually the woman you've worked 7 years to marry. If not, things can get complicated (Jacob... honey... look at her first. Genesis 29)

4. Don't argue with God... when he chooses you... your chosen, even (and especially) when you don't feel worthy. (Oh Moses... we feel for you, buddy. Exodus 4:10-17)

5. Don't make idols for the people to worship when your BROTHER in on a mountain talking to God (Aaron... you seriously broke my heart!... Exodus 32)


6. Don't judge the people in the Bible... because we are really no better than they are when you really think about it. We may not have a golden calf to worship, but I'm sure if we really think about it, there are a few 'idols' we have in our own lives.

So, I have read all of Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus, I just started Numbers today. This is very interesting, and I can't wait to read more :)

Last Sunday, I gave the schedule for the first 8 days of the program. Today, I'm going to give you the next 8.

Day 9: Le 14:33 to Lev. 26:26
Day 10: Le 26:27 to Numbers 8:14
Day 11: Num 8:15 to Num 21:7
Day 12: Num 21:8 to Num 32:19
Day 13: Num 32:20 to Deuteronomy 7:26
Day 14: Dt 8:1 to Dt 23:11
Day 15: Dt 23:12 to Dt 34:12
Day 16: Joshua 1:1 to Jos 14:15

Those are the readings for next week and a few days beyond. If you have started this and want to read ahead, let me know in the comments section and I'll send you the rest of the reading dates.

I'm really enjoying this (even the slow parts can be informative :) ). Can't wait to see what next week's reading brings :)

Much love,


FUN, love, and more:

Bible in 90 days~ Week 2 + TIME